Academic program array analysis (APAA) is the planning and review initiative for undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
APAA is a quantitative and qualitative data-informed process designed to streamline and strengthen UMD’s academic program array. The APAA process is organized to include multiple layers of input and review. This analysis will consider enrollment and graduation trends along with the quality and relevance of our academic programs that meet changing demographics and regional workforce needs. While APAA is part of UMD’s budget and structural review plan, it is also part of our continuous improvement process.
APAA Process and Timeline
View an updated detailed timeline from December 2023 - Fall 2024.
Fall 2023
September - early October: Departments analyze program data and prepare narratives
October 6: Departments analyses shared with the college
October 20: College analyses shared with the deans
October 31: COD retreat; Review of all program analyses
December: Campus wide review and discussion
Spring 2024
Dec-Jan: Review/consultation with executive leadership team, Council of Deans, Faculty Senate, Strategic Planning and Budget Committee, colleges
Jan-Feb: Program-specific feedback; departments drafting/updating program action plans
End of Feb: Review of action plans by deans, EVCAA
March-April: Continued action planning; Fall25 proposed curricular changes identified, 1st set of program changes submitted
April: FY25 budget compact meeting with system leadership
Mid May: Program action plans completed
Summer: Deans and EVCAA review action plans and provide feedback to department heads
Fall 2024: Complete the college curriculum review; submit further program changes